Care Management

Just 2 Minutes of Walking After a Meal Is Surprisingly Good for You

Just 2 Minutes of Walking After a Meal Is Surprisingly Good for You

Walking after a meal, conventional wisdom says, helps clear your mind and aids in digestion. Scientists have also found that going for a 15-minute walk after a meal can reduce blood sugar levels, which can help ward off complications such as Type 2 diabetes. But, as it turns out, even just a few minutes of walking can activate these benefits.

Porch Visits: Reducing Isolation

Porch Visits: Reducing Isolation

In my Care Management practice over the years, every relationship with a client starts with a face to face meeting. This connection and daily routine is as important to my clients’ well-being and stability as any medication that a physician prescribes. With the world pandemic of Covid-19, I’ve had to adapt my practice to keep everyone safe, while not losing that personal connection.

May is Aging Life Care Professional’s Month

May is Aging Life Care Professional’s Month

As professional Care Managers (Aging Life Care Professionals), when we take on clients, we are 100% committed to them, their wellness, helping them to reach their goals, and being there for them and their families through all their difficult times. And then in comes COVID-19 making everything that much harder. I learn of my client’s fever. They are in a nursing home, and the nursing home is on lockdown. I cannot be there to orchestrate care and comfort, and suddenly they are gone.